YAC builds creative communities by supporting diverse young creatives ages 15-30 to build life skills, entrepreneurial skills and social change leadership skills on their artistic and creative talents.
YAC builds creative communities by supporting diverse young creatives ages 15-30 to build life skills, entrepreneurial skills and social change leadership skills on their artistic and creative talents.
Alex Ross
Though YAC’s ARTpreneurs program, Alex Ross began a music business. After his initial success selling out his CDs and increasing his performance bookings, Alex launched his own clothing brand, Family Over Fame. In collaboration with East Coast Lifestyles CEO Alex MacLean, Mr. Ross has grown his clothing brand and business, and is now selling his products at using social media (12,000 followers on Instagram) and at Pseudio outlets in Atlantic Canada.
Killa Atencio
Mi’kmaq artist Killa Atencio has grown her art & beading business. National media attention for her beaded poppies for Remembrance Day keeps her busy, along with creating inventory to sell at powwows and through social media. She uses art & business to make a living while celebrating her cultural heritage, and works with youth at L.O.V.E. Killa has also served on YAC’s board of directors!
Paige Cameron joined YAC’s first after school Youth on the Radar project in Spryfield. There she learned the value of her artistic skills, creative thinking and project management. She has gone on to a successful career in the arts working as a designer for Dalhousie University, and through her digital art business has shipped over 15 million units worldwide with her client, video game giant Valve.
Jeremy Williams
Through YAC’s Justice, Art & Youth in Action project Jeremy Williams worked with companies like Irving, Emera and Labatt’s to bring some of Canada’s best mural artists to Mulgrave Park and installed 10 beautiful paintings, animating and celebrating his community, and raising awareness about the needs of where he grew up. Shortly after his project The governments of Canada, Nova Scotia and Halifax invested $5million dollars towards infrastructure in Mulgrave Park!
“Ryan Veltmeyer has been a super hero behind the scenes helping young artists in Kjipuktuk/Halifax make their way for almost a decade. ”
“This is well deserved and overdue recognition for one of the most impactful social innovators in Nova Scotia. Ryan, your friends at McInnes Cooper are so honoured to support the work of Youth Art Connection. Looking forward to our Hot Seat @ MC on Wednesday!”
“Its rare to meet such a genuine, caring, driven, and passionate person. So grateful to have had the opportunities I’ve had thanks to YAC and Ryan Veltmeyer”