Open Board Positions:
Board / Committees:
Apply to be a board member
Join a committee
Want to join but don't see the role you’re looking for?
Apply through our general intake form below and tell us what you’re interested in!
Artist/business/life coach:
We are always looking for experienced artists, business and other professionals to coach, present, advise the young artists in our programs
Event volunteers:
Want to help with festivals, events, shows etc?
Helping hands or specific talents welcome?

Mark Goldhar CA,CPA
Mark has over 15 years of experience in small business accounting taxation, with six years of experience working for a national accounting firm, three years working as a finance manager for an international bank and four years as president of his own accounting firm, Mark Goldhar Inc. Mark has volunteered his financial skills with the Halifax North EndCommunity Health Centre, where he chaired the audit committee. Mark grew up in Toronto; he is a graduate of Upper Canada College and comes from a family of entrepreneurs.
Dianne Tyers
Diannes’ experience and expertise includes twenty-nine in the education sector in multiple countries (Canada, U.S.A., Australia, Japan, South Korea, China, United Arab Emirates). She has held teaching, institutional management, regional management, training, program development, and program evaluation positions with public and private sector educational organizations. Dianne completed her PhD at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE), University of Toronto. Dianne is the founder and owner of Advance Consulting for Education, a company that has operated in the adult education sector since 2001. Dianne is also the current Dean, College of Continuing Education, at Dalhousie University.
Brian Jeffcock
Brian is a designer, entrepreneur, and artist in Halifax, Nova Scotia. He’s co-founded several companies and has mentored entrepreneurs around Atlantic Canada. His latest venture, PALAIS (http://palais.vip/) is a design studio focused on helping startups and scale ups build better products and experiences.